Results for 'Phyllis H. Kaminski'

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  1.  37
    Holistic health in perspective.Phyllis H. Mattson - 1982 - Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co..
    : Holistic health principles, practices, personnel, programs, and problems comprise the ingredients of the movement of holistic health as described in this book. Using medical anthropology as its main perspective, the text is written with health practitioners in mind, to provide a contract of an interrelated physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional view of healing with that of the established scientific view: that humans are composed of reducible parts and that medicine's job is to find causes of malfunctioning in these parts. (...)
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  2. The Bible as the Church's Book.Phyllis A. Bird, George W. Stroup & Donald H. Juel - 1982
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    Some effects of contour on simultaneous brightness contrast.Phyllis W. Berman & H. W. Leibowitz - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):251.
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    Eleanor H. Kuykendall 1938-1993.Phyllis S. Morris & Janet Farrell Smith - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (4):143 - 144.
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    Do elephants show empathy?Richard Byrne, Phyllis C. Lee, Norah Njiraini, Joyce H. Poole, Katito Sayialel, Soila Sayialel, L. A. Bates & C. J. Moss - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):10-11.
    Elephants show a rich social organization and display a number of unusual traits. In this paper, we analyse reports collected over a thirty-five year period, describing behaviour that has the potential to reveal signs of empathic understanding. These include coalition formation, the offering of protection and comfort to others, retrieving and 'babysitting' calves, aiding individuals that would otherwise have difficulty in moving, and removing foreign objects attached to others. These records demonstrate that an elephant is capable of diagnosing animacy and (...)
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    Book Review Section 4. [REVIEW]Phyllis A. Katz, F. Raymond Mckenna, H. George Bonekemper, Charles E. Alberti, Larry L. Lorten, Richard H. Cummings, Richard S. Prawat, John P. Rickards, Joseph L. Devitis, Judith W. Leslie, Charles K. West, George F. Luger, David J. Kleinke, William E. Loadman & Laura D. Harckham - unknown
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    A Radical Approach to Ebola: Saving Humans and Other Animals.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Charles H. Norell, Phyllis Illari, Brendan Clarke & Carolyn P. Neuhaus - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):35-42.
    As the usual regulatory framework did not fit well during the last Ebola outbreak, innovative thinking still needed. In the absence of an outbreak, randomised controlled trials of clinical efficacy in humans cannot be done, while during an outbreak such trials will continue to face significant practical, philosophical, and ethical challenges. This article argues that researchers should also test the safety and effectiveness of novel vaccines in wild apes by employing a pluralistic approach to evidence. There are three reasons to (...)
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    Ethics Across the Curriculum—Pedagogical Perspectives.Elaine E. Englehardt, Michael S. Pritchard, Robert Baker, Michael D. Burroughs, José A. Cruz-Cruz, Randall Curren, Michael Davis, Aine Donovan, Deni Elliott, Karin D. Ellison, Challie Facemire, William J. Frey, Joseph R. Herkert, Karlana June, Robert F. Ladenson, Christopher Meyers, Glen Miller, Deborah S. Mower, Lisa H. Newton, David T. Ozar, Alan A. Preti, Wade L. Robison, Brian Schrag, Alan Tomhave, Phyllis Vandenberg, Mark Vopat, Sandy Woodson, Daniel E. Wueste & Qin Zhu - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Late in 1990, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (lIT) received a grant of more than $200,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum.! Enough has now been accomplished to draw some tentative conclusions. I am the grant's principal investigator. In this paper, I shall describe what we at lIT did, what we learned, and what others, especially philosophers, can learn (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “A Radical Approach to Ebola: Saving Humans and Other Animals”.Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Brendan Clarke, Phyllis Illari, Charles H. Norell & Sarah J. L. Edwards - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):W8-W9.
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    Zum Sinngehalt des Princeps-Titels Arichis’ II. von Benevent.Hans H. Kaminsky - 1974 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 8 (1):81-92.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Patrick D. Lynch, Dan Landis, Ronald Schwartz, William B. Moody, Daniel P. Keating, E. S. Marlow Iii, Allen H. Kuntz, Thomas M. Sherman, Virginia M. Macagnoni, Noele Krenkel, Joseph E. Schmeidicke, Jeremy D. Finn, Gaea Leinhardt & Phyllis A. Katz - unknown
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    Brief 2: Phyllis an Demophoon.H. G. Ovid - 2011 - In Liebesbriefe / Heroides: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 17-24.
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  13. Reviews : Phyllis Grosskurth, Melanie Klein: her world and her work, London: Maresfield Library, H. Karnac (Books), 1989 (1985), paper £14.95, x + 515 pp. Nini Herman, My Kleinian Home: a journey through four psychotherapies, London: Free Association Books, 1988, paper £9.95, 163 pp. R. D. Hinshelwood, A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought, London: Free Association Books, 1989, £30.00, 482 pp. Juliet Mitchell (ed.), The Selected Melanie Klein, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986, paper £5.99, 256 pp. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Wright - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (2):294-296.
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    Politics and culture in early modem Europe: Essays in honor of H.G. Koenigsberger: ed. Phyllis Mack and Margaret C. Jacob , vi + 319 pp., £30. [REVIEW]Lionel A. McKenzie - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (1):69-76.
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    J. WITT (Hrsg.), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Bestandskataloge, Band 2. Werke der Alltagskultur, Teil 1: Menasampullen. [REVIEW]Victor H. Elbern - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):725-726.
    Mit dem «Catalogue raisonné» von Oskar Wulff: „Altchristliche und mittelalterliche Bildwerke“ (1909 bzw. 1911) war die Erforschung und Präsentation der in den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin gesammelten einschlägigen Kunst seinerzeit mit einem Schlage in die vorderste Reihe wissenschaftlicher Kataloge in Europa gerückt worden. Abgesehen von einer Neubearbeitung durch Wolfgang Fritz Volbach (1950) ist entsprechend Umfassendes für die ehemalige „Frühchristlich-Byzantinische Sammlung“ der Berliner Museen seither nicht wieder geleistet worden. Mit dem beträchtlichen zeitlichen Abstand zu den älteren Katalogen erscheint es verständlich und (...)
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  16. What is a mechanism? Thinking about mechanisms across the sciences.Phyllis McKay Illari & Jon Williamson - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (1):119-135.
    After a decade of intense debate about mechanisms, there is still no consensus characterization. In this paper we argue for a characterization that applies widely to mechanisms across the sciences. We examine and defend our disagreements with the major current contenders for characterizations of mechanisms. Ultimately, we indicate that the major contenders can all sign up to our characterization.
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  17. Causality: Philosophical theory meets scientific practice.Phyllis McKay Illari & Federica Russo - 2014 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Edited by Federica Russo.
    Scientific and philosophical literature on causality has become highly specialised. It is hard to find suitable access points for students, young researchers, or professionals outside this domain. This book provides a guide to the complex literature, explains the scientific problems of causality and the philosophical tools needed to address them.
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  18. Philosophy, Adversarial Argumentation, and Embattled Reason.Phyllis Rooney - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3):203-234.
    Philosophy’s adversarial argumentation style is often noted as a factor contributing to the low numbers of women in philosophy. I argue that there is a level of adversariality peculiar to philosophy that merits specific feminist examination, yet doesn’t assume controversial gender differences claims. The dominance of the argument-as-war metaphor is not warranted, since this metaphor misconstrues the epistemic role of good argument as a tool of rational persuasion. This metaphor is entangled with the persisting narrative of embattled reason, which, in (...)
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  19. La Administración Bush y las Naciones Unidas: socavar la organización mundial.Phyllis Bennis - 2003 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 21:56-77.
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    Gender and changes in support of parents in china:: Implications for the one-child policy.Phyllis Kernoff Mansfield, Yanju Yu & Lucy C. Yu - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (1):83-89.
    The Chinese traditionally have valued sons over daughters, depending on their sons to support them in old age. Recent changes, however, suggest a shift toward greater gender equality, with daughters also keeping elderly parents. The present study, undertaken in 1979 in the People's Republic of China, assessed attitudes of 48 university staff members toward financial support for aged parents and living arrangements in old age, with an emphasis on gender differences. We found that most sons and daughters gave financial support (...)
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  21. We Just Have to Show You: Research Ethics Blekbalawei.Phyllis Wiynjorroc, Peter Manabaru, Nell Brown & Andrew Warner - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst, Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge.
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  22. Causality in the Sciences.Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Why do ideas of how mechanisms relate to causality and probability differ so much across the sciences? Can progress in understanding the tools of causal inference in some sciences lead to progress in others? This book tackles these questions and others concerning the use of causality in the sciences.
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  23. Function and organization: comparing the mechanisms of protein synthesis and natural selection.Phyllis McKay Illari & Jon Williamson - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):279-291.
    In this paper, we compare the mechanisms of protein synthesis and natural selection. We identify three core elements of mechanistic explanation: functional individuation, hierarchical nestedness or decomposition, and organization. These are now well understood elements of mechanistic explanation in fields such as protein synthesis, and widely accepted in the mechanisms literature. But Skipper and Millstein have argued that natural selection is neither decomposable nor organized. This would mean that much of the current mechanisms literature does not apply to the mechanism (...)
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  24. Mechanistic Explanation: Integrating the Ontic and Epistemic.Phyllis Illari - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):237-255.
    Craver claims that mechanistic explanation is ontic, while Bechtel claims that it is epistemic. While this distinction between ontic and epistemic explanation originates with Salmon, the ideas have changed in the modern debate on mechanistic explanation, where the frame of the debate is changing. I will explore what Bechtel and Craver’s claims mean, and argue that good mechanistic explanations must satisfy both ontic and epistemic normative constraints on what is a good explanation. I will argue for ontic constraints by drawing (...)
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  25. Mechanisms are Real and Local.Phyllis McKay Illari & Jon Williamson - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo, Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
    Mechanisms have become much-discussed, yet there is still no consensus on how to characterise them. In this paper, we start with something everyone is agreed on – that mechanisms explain – and investigate what constraints this imposes on our metaphysics of mechanisms. We examine two widely shared premises about how to understand mechanistic explanation: (1) that mechanistic explanation offers a welcome alternative to traditional laws-based explanation and (2) that there are two senses of mechanistic explanation that we call ‘epistemic explanation’ (...)
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    Sartre's concept of a person: an analytic approach.Phyllis Sutton Morris - 1975 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    A revision of the author's thesis, University of Michigan, 1969. Bibliography: p. [154]-161. Includes index.
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  27. Mechanistic Evidence: Disambiguating the Russo–Williamson Thesis.Phyllis McKay Illari - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (2):139-157.
    Russo and Williamson claim that establishing causal claims requires mechanistic and difference-making evidence. In this article, I will argue that Russo and Williamson's formulation of their thesis is multiply ambiguous. I will make three distinctions: mechanistic evidence as type vs object of evidence; what mechanism or mechanisms we want evidence of; and how much evidence of a mechanism we require. I will feed these more precise meanings back into the Russo–Williamson thesis and argue that it is both true and false: (...)
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  28. Does gender matter? Suffering and salvation in eighteenth-century Methodism.Phyllis Mack - 2003 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 85 (2):157-176.
  29. On Values in Science: Is the Epistemic/Non-Epistemic Distinction Useful?Phyllis Rooney - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:13-22.
    The debate about the rational and the social in science has sometimes been developed in the context of a distinction between epistemic and non-epistemic values. Paying particular attention to two important discussion in the last decade, by Longino and by McMullin, I argue that a fuller understanding of values in science ultimately requires abandoning the distinction itself. This is argued directly in terms of an analysis of the lack of clarity concerning what epistemic values are. I also argue that the (...)
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    Bodyprints.Phyllis Passariello - 2008 - Semiotics:191-196.
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  31. Sartre on the transcendence of the ego.Phyllis Sutton Morris - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (2):179-198.
  32. Newcomb's problem: the causalists get rich.Phyllis McKay - 2004 - Analysis 64 (2):187-189.
  33. Cultural appropriation and aesthetic normativity.Phyllis Pearson - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1285-1299.
    Is it ever aesthetically permissible to engage in acts of cultural appropriation? This paper shows how recent work on aesthetic normativity can help answer this question. Drawing on the work of Lopes and McGonigal, I argue that in many cases those who engage in cultural appropriation act against their aesthetic reasons. Lopes and McGonigal advocate for externalist accounts of aesthetic reasons according to which whether or not an agent has an aesthetic reason to act depends on whether or not their (...)
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  34. When Philosophical Argumentation Impedes Social and Political Progress.Phyllis Rooney - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (3):317-333.
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  35. Peirce's design for thinking: An embedded philosophy of education.Phyllis Chiasson - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (2):207–226.
    Although we all learn differently, we all need to be able to engage certain fundamental reasoning skills if we are to manoeuvre successfully through life—however we define success. Peirce's philosophy provides us with a framework for helping students develop and hone the ability for making deliberate and well‐considered choices. For, embedded within Peirce's complete body of work is a design for thinking that provides a sturdy foundation for the development of three important learning capabilities. These capabilities are 1) the ability (...)
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    Ethical Issues in the Qualitative Researcher—Participant Relationship.Phyllis Eide & David Kahn - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (2):199-207.
    Qualitative research poses ethical issues and challenges unique to the study of human beings. In developing the interpersonal relationship that is critical to qualitative research, investigator and participant engage in a dialogic process that often evokes stories and memories that are remembered and reconstituted in ways that otherwise would not occur. Ethical issues are raised when this relationship not only provides qualitative research data, but also leads to some degree of therapeutic interaction for the participant. The purpose of this article (...)
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  37. Information Channels and Biomarkers of Disease.Phyllis Illari & Federica Russo - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):175-190.
    Current research in molecular epidemiology uses biomarkers to model the different disease phases from environmental exposure, to early clinical changes, to development of disease. The hope is to get a better understanding of the causal impact of a number of pollutants and chemicals on several diseases, including cancer and allergies. In a recent paper Russo and Williamson address the question of what evidential elements enter the conceptualisation and modelling stages of this type of biomarkers research. Recent research in causality has (...)
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  38. The body of the goddess: Nurturing an ethic for peace.Phyllis Herman - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--175.
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  39. Innovation as a behavioural response to environmental challenges: a cost and benefit approach.Phyllis C. Lee - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland, Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press.
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  40. Maria Montessori : yesterday, today and totmorrow.Phyllis Povell - 2022 - In Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Commentary on Al-Tamimi.Phyllis Rooney - unknown
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    Chinese and Other Asian Modernisms: A Comparative View of Art-Historical Contexts in the Twentieth Century.Phyllis Teo - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):3-14.
    Modernism is often implicitly known and understood from the “Western modernist” perspective and history. The wide recognition of the Western modernist canon as centre and universal displaces the contribution and significance of the non-Western world in the modern movement. Within Asia, the modernisms that arose from various nations in the region had subtly different notions of culture, identity, nationhood, and modernity, although almost every Asian country was related in one way or another to the history of Western imperialism. Using a (...)
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  43. Mandeville, Bernard.Phyllis Vandenberg & Abigail DeHart - 2013 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733) Bernard Mandeville is primarily remembered for his impact on discussions of morality and economic theory in the early eighteenth century. His most noteworthy and notorious work is The Fable of the Bees, which triggered immense public criticism at the time. He had a particular influence on philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, most […].
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  44. In Defence of Activities.Phyllis Illari & Jon Williamson - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):69-83.
    In this paper, we examine what is to be said in defence of Machamer, Darden and Craver’s (MDC) controversial dualism about activities and entities (Machamer, Darden and Craver’s in Philos Sci 67:1–25, 2000). We explain why we believe the notion of an activity to be a novel, valuable one, and set about clearing away some initial objections that can lead to its being brushed aside unexamined. We argue that substantive debate about ontology can only be effective when desiderata for an (...)
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  45. Gendered Reason: Sex Metaphor and Conceptions of Reason.Phyllis Rooney - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):77 - 103.
    Reason has regularly been portrayed and understood in terms of images and metaphors that involve the exclusion or denigration of some element-body, passion, nature, instinct-that is cast as "feminine." Drawing upon philosophical insight into metaphor, I examine the impact of this gendering of reason. I argue that our conceptions of mind, reason, unreason, female, and male have been distorted. The politics of "rational" discourse has been set up in ways that still subtly but powerfully inhibit the voice and agency of (...)
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    Gendered Challenge, Gendered Response: Confronting the Ideal Worker Norm in a White-Collar Organization.Phyllis Moen, Kelly Chermack, Samantha K. Ammons & Erin L. Kelly - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (3):281-303.
    This article integrates research on gendered organizations and the work-family interface to investigate an innovative workplace initiative, the Results-Only Work Environment, implemented in the corporate headquarters of Best Buy, Inc. While flexible work policies common in other organizations “accommodate” individuals, this initiative attempts a broader and deeper critique of the organizational culture. We address two research questions: How does this initiative attempt to change the masculinized ideal worker norm? And what do women’s and men’s responses reveal about the persistent ways (...)
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    Justification and epistemic agency.Phyllis Pearson - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-17.
    This paper presents a novel account of what motivates internalism about justification in light of recent attempts to undermine the intuitions long thought to favour it (Srinivasan in Philos Rev 129:395–431, 2020). On the account I propose, internalist intuitions are sensitive to epistemic agency. Internalist intuitions track a desire to acknowledge the epistemic agency one has in virtue of being in a position to meet the standards one is accountable to.
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    Sartre on the Self-Deceiver's Translucent Consciousness.Phyllis Sutton Morris - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (2):103-119.
    Sartre posed a problem for himself in his discussion of bad faith: how is it possible to deceive oneself, given the unity and translucency of consciousness? Many critics of Sartre interpret translucency as transparency; some, such as M.R. Haight, conclude that Sartre's account of consciousness makes self-deception impossible.A reply to those critics takes the form of showing that translucent consciousness has a number of dimensions: (a) non-positional versus positional aspects; (b) prereflective versus reflective levels; (c) temporally synthetic flux; and (d) (...)
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    Some aspects of pragmatism and Hegel.Phyllis Ackerman - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (13):337-356.
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    The "Histoire Raisonnee," 1660-1720: A Pre-Enlightenment Genre.Phyllis K. Leffler - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (2):219.
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